01 December 2005

Evolving Creation

"... One day to God is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day to God," 2 Peter 3:8

It drives me nuts when people who tote a Bible forget what God's time is like -- a day to God is like a thousand years in our standard of time, and vice versa. That said, why do people get bent out of shape when speaking about evolution vs. creationism -- to me they are two sides of the same coin. If God created the world in a mere six days (and resting on the seventh) to God, that process would still be a few thousand years to us. Granted, I do prefer the prose of the two accounts of creation in Genesis, but I have to recall that God's ways are not always clear to me, for God works in mysterious ways, and the theory of evolution is just one way of trying to make sense of God's mystery. Perhaps why the reason evolution seems foreign is because the ways of God sometimes seem foreign. For me, evolution is just proof that God does exist because the symbiosis that exists between living beings: that trees and plants provide oxygen for us to breathe, plants utilize the carbon dioxide we exhale, the need for water, coffee, etc. Evolution took many, many years -- which would only have been a few days to God.


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